With essential oils surging in popularity, some vapers wonder: can you vape essential oils safely? Learn why experts decisively warn against vaping oils like lavender and peppermint before you try.
What is Essential Oil Vaping?
Essential oil vaping involves using a vape pen, e-cigarette, or aromatherapy vaping device to inhale vaporized essential oils into your lungs. These devices contain:
- Essential oils
- Vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol (to produce vapor)
- Sometimes water
When heated, these components produce an aromatherapy vapor that users inhale. Some common essential oils used for vaping include lavender, peppermint, rosemary, and lemon.
are essential oil vapes safe?
The short answer: no. According to experts, vaping essential oils poses serious health risks and side effects.
When heated to high temperatures in vaping devices, essential oils can transform into volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other abnormal substances that can damage the mouth, lungs, and other tissues when inhaled.
For example, lavender oil and other essential oils may form potentially hazardous compounds like acetone and methane when vaporized. And vaping devices often operate at nearly 400°F – well above the boiling points of most essential oils.
Long-term vaping of essential oils could contribute to:
- Worsening of asthma
- Chronic bronchitis
- Frequent lung infections
- Other respiratory issues
So while essential oils offer benefits in other forms, vaping them directly into your lungs is not considered safe.
What About Vaping Oils at Lower Temperatures?
In theory, some pure, food-grade essential oils could be safely vaped at lower temperatures in specialized devices. However, most commercial vaping products do not meet these strict safety criteria.
For essential oils to be potentially safe for vaping, they must:
- Be 100% pure and free of additives
- Be vetted as safe for ingestion
- Have a high flashpoint well above the vape’s operating temperature
Ultimately, the lack of evidence confirming the short and long term safety of essential oil vaping makes it an extremely risky practice best avoided altogether.
Safer Ways to Enjoy Essential Oils
Instead of vaping essential oils, aroma experts recommend safer ways to harness their relaxing benefits:
- Diffusers
- Essential oil sprays
- Direct inhalation
- Massage oils
- Bath products
While research into essential oils’ effects is still limited, these external and low concentration methods are generally considered safe as directed.
So steer clear of vaping, and see how to incorporate essential oils into your routine without the worry. Your lungs will thank you!
FAQs of essential oils
Can you put essential oil in vape?
No, it is not recommended to put essential oils in vapes or e-cigarettes. When heated to vaping temperatures, many essential oils break down into volatile organic compounds and other chemicals that can damage the lungs and respiratory system when inhaled.
Is it safe to inhale essential oil vapor?
Inhaling essential oil vapor directly into the lungs is generally not considered safe. Essential oils can irritate lung tissue, worsen asthma, and possibly contribute to infections when inhaled. Some studies found that compounds in vaporized essential oils can harm immune cells in the lungs. Safer ways to use essential oils include diffusers, steam inhalation, and topical use when properly diluted.
Is diffusing essential oils like vaping?
No, diffusing and vaping essential oils are different. Diffusers do not heat oils to the same high temperatures as vapes. They gently evaporate essential oils into the air to provide aromatic benefits without creating hot vapor that gets inhaled directly into the lungs. Diffusing is considered a safe way to use essential oils.
Can you use essential oils instead of vape juice?
No, essential oils should not replace vape juice or e-liquids. Vape juice typically contains vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol as the base. Replacing this with pure essential oils can still pose safety issues when heated into hot vapor. Unless rigorously tested for internal use and vaping, it’s best to avoid putting essential oils into vape pens altogether.
can you smoke essential oils in a vape
No, you should avoid smoking or vaping essential oils. While some claim smoking essential oils provides health benefits, there is no evidence to support this. And inhaling the hot vapor into the lungs poses significant health risks.
When heated to high temperatures inside vaping devices, many essential oils release volatile organic compounds, free radicals, and unstable chemicals that can damage lung tissue.
Additionally, essential oils can contain hidden toxin contaminants like pesticides and heavy metals that become even more dangerous when vaporized and inhaled.
Much safer options include diffusing or even smoking dried herbs like damiana and mullein. But essential oils should be kept far away from direct flame or heating elements to prevent hazardous inhalation effects. Simply put, smoking or vaping essential oils is both unproven and extremely dangerous.